by Franchette Soriano, The Web Philippines, March/April 1999
Not visiting this site will be one of the things you'll regret in your entire life! Fine, that may be exaggerating things a bit; but honestly now, how often do you come across a web site such as this? This is Personal to a T. If not for the credits, we would've thought Ms Sharon Cuneta made the web site herself.
As a typical Stormviz site, the graphics were perfect - clean layout, intelligent use of white space, very calm effect of typography. Content-wise, this is not a typical celebrity site anyone would've seen. A lot of the articles were written by Shawie herself. The rest were either interviews or essays written - brace yourself - by her co-stars and directors she has worked with themselves!
How can a celebrity site exist without the ususal splattering of photos and streaming media? Not to worry, this site is full of that - photos from both on an off the sets, RealAudio files of Sharon's songs and movie themes, and even a set of wllpaper designs for computer desktops.
Refreshing, sweet, and yet larger than life as the Megastar herself.
Content: 5 Design: 5 Links: 5 Overall: 5
Rating Guide: 5 Bookmark it 4 Browse it 3 Click it 2 Consider it 1 Skip it
Spiderwomen-Actresses Who Got Caught On The Web
Preview Magazine, June 1999
Everyone (and their mother) has a website these days. And with the sheer
number of websites that offer free homepages like Xoom, Tripod,
Geocities, Angelfire and FortuneCity, there is no lack of free resources
for the dedicated webpage maker. All it takes is a little patience
and creativity.
Which makes the state of OFFICIAL celebrity websites in this country a
sad, sad thing. I mean, celebrities (or their managers) pay web
designers good money to put up these sites, and I have yet to find one
more interesting than Sharon Cuneta's (it even has an interactive puzzle
game). All the rest have the usual load of pics, biographies, news
(usually stale), a listing of movies/appearances and the typical.
Creativity is sorely lacking. It's not absent, just in short supply.
Some fans make more interesting sites.
Sharon Cuneta (
The winner for sheer volume and comprehensiveness. This is what an
official webpage SHOULD be. Everything you've ever wanted to know about
Ate Shawie you have right at your fingertips