"I guess these people took a closer look at your work and found out more than they had noticed before!
You deserve the recognition. I am pretty impressed with your business and your talents myself. ; )"
- Perla Paredes-Daly (29 Jun 1998)
"I saw a little boy in you that marvelled about computers, the X-Men
and the wonders of technology and daredevil stunts (only an idiot like
you would try scuba diving, bungee jumping and parachuting in one
lifetime). You had SEIZED LIFE by the reins and challenged it - and
enjoyed the whole process.
You are the kind of person, as I saw it, as one who would throw his
whole heart and soul in whatever he did. A very passionate kind of
soul who had much to contribute in the world. In your eyes I had
seen a visionary......"
--excerpt from a letter of Carissa Cruz
to Ronnie Miranda, Aug 26, 1996
"Can't say anything else but this HP is as 'oh-zum' as the owner :)))"
- Klair (27 Jun 1997)
The Eye of the Storm
Who's behind Storm Visualization & Imaging?
Ronald \ Ronnie \ Ron : The Scottish version of the Reg meaning power force. An energetic nature with a very active mind. Always looking for something to do, likes to know what is happening. Perpetual motion personified.
Ronnie T. Miranda, a BS Math graduate of the Ateneo de Manila University, was one of the handful of pioneering computer graphics artists when computer-generated imaging (CGI) was first introduced in the Philippines in 1987. He got his first exposure to CGI when he joined Mediaboutique Inc. In 1989, he further expanded his knowledge and experience at Cinema Artists Philippines. In 1991, by being a freelance CGI artist and consultant, he designed, configured and setup CGI systems for various production companies and also ventured into CGI research and development as applied to the Philippine industry. With his sharp technical skills in computers and CGI, he formally established Storm Visualization and Imaging in July 1994.
The XTREME Gallery